SLOW CODE!!! . ........ help (maybe due to unsound BINDING)



I doubt whether the below will run on someone elses machine as you may
need to play arounfd with the variables (the "blah blah" bits
definitely won't work!)
Is the below sound code in terms of getting things to run
quickly?....because things don't seem to run very quickly when it
executes. (I have a feeling it has something to do with the public
variable WordApplication?!)

Any help greatly appreciated
Jason Q

Public WordApplication As Object
Sub AppOpen()

Dim strApp As String
strApp = "Word.Application"
'check to see if Word is running
On Error Resume Next
If Not IsRunning(strApp) Then
Set WordApplication = CreateObject(strApp)
Set WordApplication = GetObject(, strApp)
End If
On Error GoTo 0
strApp = ""

myFilePath = "I: blah blah " & strFile & ".Doc"
myFileCopy = "I: blah blah " & strFile & "\" & strFile & " " _
& Now & ".Doc"

FileSystem.FileCopy myFilePath, myFileCopy 'USING A REFERENCE

With WordApplication
.WindowState = 2
.Visible = True
End With

End Sub

K Dales

Seems to me the slowest part of this will be the file copy: any disk access
time will be much slower than the execution of your code. To improve the way
you are accessing Word through code, it is better to explicitly define your
variable to be a Word application instead of a generic object (see below);
you could try changing this and see if it improves speed but I still think
that the time to execute the file copy will by far outweigh any improvement
you can make in your code execution time:

Public WordApplication as Word.Application

Sub AppOpen()

Dim strApp As String
strApp = "Word.Application"
'check to see if Word is running
On Error Resume Next
If Not IsRunning(strApp) Then
Set WordApplication = New Word.Application
Set WordApplication = GetObject(, strApp)
End If

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