I spent over a year reading all sorts of suggestions about how to speed up my
computer. I wasted countless hours trying all sorts of software ideas.
My problem was that my computer was DUSTY! I have a Toshiba laptop. I read
in www.laptoprepair101.com that a great deal of slow computer problems are
caused by a build up of dust inside the computer. A fellow suggested using a
Shop Vac to suck out the dust. It worked. My computer speeded up and it is
no longer overheating. I did not even KNOW it was overheating, since I work
in an environment without air conditioning and the temperature seemed all
right to me. I did not KNOW it was dusty because it was closed up, as all
laptops are!
The problem with discussion groups is that solutions are sometimes just
other people's opinions. For those of you who are as frustrated as I was,
try a Shop Vac or a blow out with compressed air.
computer. I wasted countless hours trying all sorts of software ideas.
My problem was that my computer was DUSTY! I have a Toshiba laptop. I read
in www.laptoprepair101.com that a great deal of slow computer problems are
caused by a build up of dust inside the computer. A fellow suggested using a
Shop Vac to suck out the dust. It worked. My computer speeded up and it is
no longer overheating. I did not even KNOW it was overheating, since I work
in an environment without air conditioning and the temperature seemed all
right to me. I did not KNOW it was dusty because it was closed up, as all
laptops are!
The problem with discussion groups is that solutions are sometimes just
other people's opinions. For those of you who are as frustrated as I was,
try a Shop Vac or a blow out with compressed air.