My previous web page was built with Frontpage Express. It loaded
fairly quickly the first time, and then very quickly since it appeared
to load the pics from the cache.
I built a newer one in Publisher 2003 and the page takes longer to
load, and each subsequent load is no faster. Is there something I can
do to speed up the download? I built this page for all my common
links so I can reach them from any computer to include dial-ups but
the slow downloads kill all but the fastest connections.
fairly quickly the first time, and then very quickly since it appeared
to load the pics from the cache.
I built a newer one in Publisher 2003 and the page takes longer to
load, and each subsequent load is no faster. Is there something I can
do to speed up the download? I built this page for all my common
links so I can reach them from any computer to include dial-ups but
the slow downloads kill all but the fastest connections.