Slow download times



My previous web page was built with Frontpage Express. It loaded
fairly quickly the first time, and then very quickly since it appeared
to load the pics from the cache.

I built a newer one in Publisher 2003 and the page takes longer to
load, and each subsequent load is no faster. Is there something I can
do to speed up the download? I built this page for all my common
links so I can reach them from any computer to include dial-ups but
the slow downloads kill all but the fastest connections.



M$ designed it to work that way. Can you believe that crap? M$ needs to get
busy and fix Publisher with respect to web applications. There is a class
action lawsuit in the works addressing the many problems M$ has created for
folks using Publisher for websites.

John Bowen

Download times are usually proportional to file sizes. Take a look at your
file sizes. Are they reasonable? A photo that is 50K in size may be
reasonable but sometimes you will find websites with 500K images. That's
usually caused by not using a graphics program to compress, crop and size
photos properly.

Also remember you are comparing HTML to XML. XML pages are bigger and quite
different. I've published an online newsletters for years and after a while
you get the hang of what works well and gives decent download times vs. what

John B

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