SLOW launching Office08 apps



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Power PC

Help! ALL Office08 apps take 5 minutes (literally) to launch.
Just did a fresh install of Leopard/ reinstalled Office08, did the updates and STILL taking forever. Possible it has to do with fonts? I'm a graphic designer and have lot's of fonts open, but I've never had this issue before and no other apps have this problem. And yes, I know, I'm on an 'old' PowerPC, but this is ridiculous!

Thanks in advance.

Corentin Cras-Méneur

Help! ALL Office08 apps take 5 minutes (literally) to launch. Just did a
fresh install of Leopard/ reinstalled Office08, did the updates and
STILL taking forever. Possible it has to do with fonts?

It might. Office apps look at fonts when they are first launched and
cache them. After that, if the list of active fonts has changed, they
cache them again.

If you are continuously activating and deactivating fonts, these
applications re-cache fonts at every launch.
You ca easily test that. Launch Word, quit and relaunch. The second
launch should be tremendously faster, and you should not see Caching
fonts in any of the splash screen dialogs.

There is no workaroudn for that VERY unfortunately,



my apps lock in 10 seconds and not 5 minutes...just thought you would like to know...


Smith, it's prob because you are not using a lot of fonts and/or do not have Suitcase or similar app running.


I'm having this same problem...but it actually takes more like 15 minutes for any of my office apps to launch. I am running a lot of fonts. (Imagine that...someone with a computer wanting multiple think that would be a given.) Are you by chance running Extensis Suitcase Font Fusion to manage your fonts? Or are you using any other font-management software?

Diane Ross

I'm having this same problem...but it actually takes more like 15 minutes for
any of my office apps to launch. I am running a lot of fonts. (Imagine
that...someone with a computer wanting multiple think that would
be a given.) Are you by chance running Extensis Suitcase Font Fusion to manage
your fonts? Or are you using any other font-management software?

See the tips posted in this link.



Thanks to all!
I have turned off Suitcase Fusion and resorted to (the FREE) Linotype FontExplorerX... Life is considerably better now. Not sure why it was only affecting Office08, but now I don't really care that much either.
Thanks again.

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