Slow lnking of tables


Tardus Merula

I have split MSAcces database. The program part (client side) starts and
requests a location of a linked tables, which are on a remote network
server (novell netware). Frequently linking stops and the whole application
stops to respond. I believe it`s due to slow network connection (10 mb/s
nominal, 3 actual) that the timeout occurs? Should I change ODBC property
form 60 sec to more or to "0" or any other timout-related property?

Allen Browne

This may not be the answer, but give it a try.

Presumably you are reassigning the Connect property of each TableDef to the
new location. Before that loop, open a connection to the back end:
Dim dbBE as DAO.Database
Set dbBE = OpenDatabae("C:\MyPath\MyFile.mdb")
'do your relinking here
Set dbBE = Nothing

The connection is not used, but just holding it open may stop Access from
opening and closing network connections for each table.

Joe Fallon

As I recall, if the mdb file is "buried" deep in a Novell directory
structure the whole app slows down significantly.
Try placing it near a root folder.

e.g. C:\MyApp.mdb
is better than

david epsom dot com dot au

requests a location of a linked tables, which are on a remote network

Remote networks are always going to be slow, and worse, are often
unreliable. Access really needs a reliable network (an error in
the network is effectively an error in the database engine).

Have you considered use Terminal Server or equivalent?


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