Report takes several minutes to run, and slowness is not acceptable to users.
The report has several DSUMs and DLOOKUPs in the detail OnFormat event, and
a similar number of DSUMs and DLOOKUPs in the ReportFooter OnFormat event.
Are DSUMs and DLOOKUPs inherently slow? Would it be faster to eliminate the
DSUMs/DLOOKUPs from the report and do these calculations in a query? Any
suggestions would be appreciated.
The report has several DSUMs and DLOOKUPs in the detail OnFormat event, and
a similar number of DSUMs and DLOOKUPs in the ReportFooter OnFormat event.
Are DSUMs and DLOOKUPs inherently slow? Would it be faster to eliminate the
DSUMs/DLOOKUPs from the report and do these calculations in a query? Any
suggestions would be appreciated.