Paul Gray
PC has Win2K SP4, 384MB RAM, and is a 2.4GHz Celeron.
Office 2003 Pro is installed.
In Word while doing massive copy paste from one doc to another, Word seems
to get bogged down so badly that nothing else is possilbe on the PC.
Even before the edit operation begins, Word seems to fluctuate from about
30% CPU usage up to maybe 80% when nothing has been asked of it.
This behavior was also present with this document under Word 2000.
Same doc in Wordpad bogs it down briefly to load it, then CPU usage returns
to 0.
AFAIK, no macros are in operation here.
What is the reason for this and what can be done about it?
Office 2003 Pro is installed.
In Word while doing massive copy paste from one doc to another, Word seems
to get bogged down so badly that nothing else is possilbe on the PC.
Even before the edit operation begins, Word seems to fluctuate from about
30% CPU usage up to maybe 80% when nothing has been asked of it.
This behavior was also present with this document under Word 2000.
Same doc in Wordpad bogs it down briefly to load it, then CPU usage returns
to 0.
AFAIK, no macros are in operation here.
What is the reason for this and what can be done about it?