Slow saving when adding VBA forms



I have a Excel 2003 workbook (0,6 Mb) with 9 simple sheets and 4 hidden
sheets. I also have VBA forms with code. Saving this file takes 10
seconds which is way too long.

If I create a new workbook and copy the sheets into the new workbook
the time for saving is ok. As soon as I also copy the VBA forms the
saving time increases to 10 seconds.

I run this workbook on a Pentium 2.0 Ghz processor with 1 Gb RAM, Excel
2003 and Windows XP. A friend of mine has tested the same workbook on a
computer with Windows 98 SE, Office 2000 and the time for saving is
less than 1 second.

How can this be possible? Is there any solution? Has anyone else
experienced this?




The size is likely due to one of the sheets being oversized. In the
immediate window of your IDE type the following:

for each oSht in thisworkbook.sheets: ?oSht.usedrange.count: next

This will tell you the number of cells in each sheet that Excel thinks it
should be saving. You can trim a large sheet by highlighting excess
rows/columns and deleting them.


Thank you for the help. I've trimmed the sheet but the problem is still
there. It takes 10 seconds to save the workbook. Without the VBA forms
it takes a few seconds which is ok.

Does anyone else have any suggestions?



galimi skrev:

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