slow sorting, data entry, excessive memoryuse, increasing file size



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger)
Processor: Intel

I have a 4000 line spreadsheet which usually saves as a 1.5Mb file. I recently copied and pasted a full column containing data in 130 cells from a duplicate spreadsheet (held on a different computer) and the file now saves as 5.6Mb. Using this spreadsheet also heats up my MacBook causing the fans to run at full speed, the file becomes unresponsive, moving the file window is sluggish, typing in data is very slow and sorting takes 10-20 seconds (usually 1-2 seconds). I am running Version 12.1.5 and Mac OS 10.4.11 with 2Gb ram. Excel's virtual memory often takes up over 2Gb of disc space The spreadsheet does not use formulas, just lines of text and numbers. Any ideas.
I have cleared recent entries and deselected this option in preferences following posts regarding slow typing entry.

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