
I am a new DSL susbcriber with ( activated today)...
I tested via my connection speed=995 down, 104K up...Very
fast !
However, when I connect to my host provider, i can only connect at 0-12k.
With many movies to upload, and many websites to run this is terrible...
I have DSL at work and I can upload at 100K !
What could be wrong ?
Thank you for any tips !

Mark Fitzpatrick

The speeds are not in Kilobytes, they are in Kilobits, which makes a huge
difference. 12 Kilobytes is correct for a 104 Kilobyte connection. Just like
a 56 K modem is actually 56 Kilobits or 5 Kilobytes per second. The thing to
remember, any speed from a network provider will always be listed in
bits/second, either Megabits or Kilobits. It's kind of misleading to the
general public, but networking engineers typically always talk in these
terms since that's how the standards are written.

Hope this helps,
Mark Fitzpatrick
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage

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