Slow start up times...


Dorian Mattar

Word, Excel & PowerPoint, all display the same issue and although
Entourage doesn't appear to have it, it does load up slow.

Here is the issue: When opening the apps, the apps load fast enough,
BUT ARE NOT ready for imput for about 5 seconds after you see the empty

document. So I have to wait and wait until either I can type in Word
or Click on any of the cells in Excel. The same happens in PowerPoint
where I can't start to do anything. I have a Menu Meters installed and

I can see the two CPUS going pretty high while this is happening. All
together it takes Excel 15 seconds to boot and 24 secs for Word!!! If
I type random letter into Word while I'm waiting for the cursor to
become active, once it finishes doing whatever it is that it's doing,
all the letters will finally appear.

any ideas? This only happens at this computer. I've seen iBooks
loading Office x2 as fast as this computer and this computer is running

Dual 1Ghz G4s with 1.5 of Ram.

I know the ram on the new machines is faster, but I have a 867 mhz Ti
PowerBook at home that is faster and does not show any of the symptoms
that Offices shows here.

I have done a complete install of the machine from scratch just to make

sure it wasn't something in the system.
If I create a new user, it works ok for the first run and then it
starts doing the same thing.

I have repaired permission, defraged the drive, etc.., etc....


Daiya Mitchell

What version of Office and have you updated it?

Try checking it without things like Menu Meters and other utilities active,
perhaps? Say, in a totally default, uncustomized, new user account.

Are there any other add-ins or utilities that you run on your desktop but
not your old powerbook?

Are the two computers running the same OS and Office version? What are the
other differences between the setup?

Dorian Mattar

First off, thanks for your comments.

I have completely erased and installed everthing from scratch. It ran
fine the first run and then it started doing the same thing.

All other computers are running the exact same version of everything.
The latest updates from Apple and Microsoft.

I have a 867 Powerbook, a Dual 2ghz G5, the dual 1ghz G4 and a 450mhz
Cube, all running the exact same OS and software.

The dual 1ghz G4 is the only one showing this behavior.



Dorian Mattar

Also, I was re-creating a document which was created on a pc and
therefore used a TTF that was not available on the Mac. I used VPC to
copy the fonts folder to the users font folder.

Now Word, Excel and PowerPoint all go thru font optimization every time
they boot.

I used FontBook to turn off almost all fonts and still they continue to
do the same. Every time they boot.

Any ideas?

Thanks again...


Dorian Mattar


I turned off all user fonts and now the app stopped optimizing the
fonts at start up and it loads super fast. But the innitial problem is
still there. After the app loads, it then hangs for a good 10 secs.
before you can actually start typing anything into it. Everything is
loaded in the app, menus, new empty document, etc..., but you can
actually start typing into it for 10+ secs.



Daiya Mitchell

Hi Dorian,

I'm afraid I really don't know, especially since it runs fine the first time
after regenerating preferences.

Try testing the Normal template, for Word at least--see the link on this
(hit refresh a few times in Safari, or use a different browser)

Also use the Global Templates & Add-ins link on that page to see if you have
any add-ins--if it were just Word, that's what I would think it was.


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