Slowing down code execution



How do I slow down the execution of code in VBA without
having to press F8 each time? I want to view the code
execute slowly. Is there a timer command I can use to do

Klaus Linke

ubu said:
How do I slow down the execution of code in VBA
without having to press F8 each time? I want to view
the code execute slowly. Is there a timer command I
can use to do this?

Hi ubu,

As Martinique said, not quite as you want.
Some alternatives:

If you keep F8 pressed, the code will be stepped through rather fast.

You could set a couple of breakpoints on lines where you want to see what's
You can do that by clicking to the left of the line, or with F9; a red
bullet should appear.

Then use F5 to run the code up to the next breakpoint.

You can put the cursor in some line, and use Ctrl+F8 to run all the lines
up to that point.

If you have subroutines or functions that you don't want to step through,
you can use Shift+F8.

If you are interested in some variable, you can add a "watch" for it, and
make the code stop for example each time after the variable changes
(right-click on it somewhere in the code and choose "Add watch...", and in
the dialog check the corresponding check box).

Or you could create a dummy Boolean variable, and make the code stop when
the variable is "True".
You could use that for example to make the code stop when the Selection is

Dim boolDebug as Boolean
' ...

Then add a watch for boolDebug that stops the code when boolDebug is


Klaus Linke

You could slow down the speed by which the code is single-stepped when you
hold down the F8 key:
Change the typomatic rate in the Windows Control Panel > Keyboard

One other method that can avoid single-stepping altogether is to write
stuff you are interested in to the immediate window with "Debug.Print"
(say, the value of a variable at a certain line in the code). After you
have run the macro, you can look at the immediate window to check if the
output corresponds to your expectations.



Thanks for the response. I was aware of the various
debugging techniques.

What I have is a timing issue and if I could slow down the
execution I could see exactly how the code executes on my
Word document.

I'm using Automation from Access and it's a bit tricky
debug when you have two applications running.

Helmut Weber

Hi ubu * (what),
depending on how complex and how long and so on
your code is, would a small routine like
wait(seconds or milliseconds) between
the appropriate lines help? If so, let us know.
You could even introduce a variable at the start
of your code that would allow to slow down execution
in differrent steps or to switch it off.
Greetings from Bavaria, Germany
Helmut Weber
"red.sys" & chr$(64) & ""

Helmut Weber

Hi Mike,
.... but only in case ubu * doesn't want to
let his or her computer to do something else
in the meantime...
Greetings from Bavaria, Germany
Helmut Weber
"red.sys" & chr$(64) & ""

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