I ran the following code, and found it is very slow to set PowerPoint
application to nothing. It cost about 4 seconds. Why? Will it happen if I do
not set Application object to nothing after it has quit?
Global gpptApp As PowerPoint.Application
Set gpptApp = New PowerPoint.Application
gpptApp.DisplayAlerts = False
gpptApp.Visible = False
Set gpptApp = Nothing 'It cost about 4s.
Liu Jianzhong
application to nothing. It cost about 4 seconds. Why? Will it happen if I do
not set Application object to nothing after it has quit?
Global gpptApp As PowerPoint.Application
Set gpptApp = New PowerPoint.Application
gpptApp.DisplayAlerts = False
gpptApp.Visible = False
Set gpptApp = Nothing 'It cost about 4s.
Liu Jianzhong