I've got two textbooks (course material for community college classes)
sitting in front of me for Access 2007 that don't explain any of this. One of
them actually explains "creating a field to look up values in another table".
When I read it I shouted "a-ha, that's just what I need!" - I am in the
design stages of a database which I think would have relied heavily on lookup
fields in tables had I not read about their evil ways ;
Now I think I understand why I shouldn't use lookup fields in tables and
what the best alternative is; I can still have my lookup tables (containing
the data to be "looked-up") but the act of "looking-up" will be done by
combo-boxes on my forms.
My question is; can you recommend a textbook for the novice - intermediate
user that understands that some features of Access 2007 should NOT be used,
and explains what the alternative is - for this particular case, and I'm sure
there must be others. Or is the look-up wizard the only egregious "feature"?