I need advice to figure out what settings were/are changed that stopped the
smart behaviors. Can anyone tell me what settings need to be set to enable
smart behaviors. Now when I start a new Cross Functional Diagram or a Gantt
chart I do not get any of the smart behaviors like dialoge boxes that ask for
Number of bands or setup of the charts as wells draw lines etc...also for
example when you add Number of days the Gantt would calculate the end date
and draw the Gant chart lines. None of this happesn anymore. I think some
one was messing with my computer....
I think it is a global setting of some kind. I think there are some
settings that have changed, but I do not know where to start to fix this
problem to get the smart behaviors back.
smart behaviors. Can anyone tell me what settings need to be set to enable
smart behaviors. Now when I start a new Cross Functional Diagram or a Gantt
chart I do not get any of the smart behaviors like dialoge boxes that ask for
Number of bands or setup of the charts as wells draw lines etc...also for
example when you add Number of days the Gantt would calculate the end date
and draw the Gant chart lines. None of this happesn anymore. I think some
one was messing with my computer....
I think it is a global setting of some kind. I think there are some
settings that have changed, but I do not know where to start to fix this
problem to get the smart behaviors back.