Hi Neva:
Yeah: AutoCorrect is a half-replacement for AMI Pro's Glossary function
You do not have to use the first few characters of what is stored, you can
use any string you like.
One limitation is that it won't "prompt" you until it gets a match on three
or more characters, but you can make it fire at any time with F3.
You may also want to have another look at AutoText. It's the other half of
the Glossary function. AutoText enables you to store proforma text, either
formatted or not, and assign each string a keystroke.
Given the proportion of the time I would actually use it, I'd rather have it
turned off, and go the long way around if I need to.
Sorry if I've offended the smart-tag lovers. It just doesn't fit the way I
work just now.
Well, no, you haven't. The Paste Options dialog is a smart tag, but you
could also make your own Smart Tags, and if you did, you could create one
that is more to your liking.
Just don't ask me how yet, I haven't found out how to make 'em on the Mac
yet. (Actually, it may not be possible unless they bring dot-Net to the
[Same thing really for paste formatting - I have about 50 styles set up, and
regularly use 20-30 in the course of a week. I've assigned them all keyboard
shortcuts - hot keys. So, changing format is faster for me with the keyboard
than mousing over a smart tag.]
{Grin} I can't believe how keyboard-centric Mac users are
I thought
Mac invented the mouse! In Word on both Mac and Windows I use a Styles
toolbar that I make, and I do all of my formatting with the mouse. Then
again, *I* can't touch-type!
Please reply to the newsgroup to maintain the thread. Please do not email
me unless I ask you to.
John McGhie <
[email protected]>
Consultant Technical Writer
Sydney, Australia +61 4 1209 1410