Smart lists work sometimes (2007)


Sesquipedalian Sam

There is a block of text (10-12 lines) in a Word 2007 document. If I
type "* " on a blank line anywhere before or after those few lines,
Word will convert it to a bulleted list. If I do the exact same thing
anywhere with those lines, it just leaves it as an asterisk and a

The block of text is nothing special. It's 10-12 1-line paragraphs all
set to the normal style.

What the heck could possibly be going on inside that block?

Sesquipedalian Sam

Since they are being turned into bullet lists automatically do this. Add
another * (asterik) symbol to a line. Press enter so that it turns it into a
bullet line then, when the AutoCorrect options box appears, click on it's
arrow and scroll down to, stop automatically creating bullet lists. The
problem should be solved after that.

The problem is not that they *are* being turned into lists, it's that
sometimes they are and sometimes they are not.

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