Smilie does not convert as I type



I have just upgraded to Outlook 2007. I am unsure of what I have done, but
when I type in ':)', the wingding smilie does not automatically appear as it
did in Outlook 2003. When I type in ':(', the frownie does appear

Can anyone help me get my smilies back?

Peter Foldes


In Outlook 2007 things like animated gif and other type of graphic file such as
smiley's as you found out are not available to be inserted . This capability has
been removed from OL 2007 for security reasons

Bill White

I found the correction, it was not removed. in Outlook (Main Screen), select Tools, Options, Spelling and AutoCorrection..., AutoCorrect Options, AutoCorrect (tab), Put a check box in the "Replace text as you type". You can customize others if you want to or just use the defaults in the list. I just tested it and it worked for me.

fuzz wrote:

Smilie does not convert as I type

I have just upgraded to Outlook 2007. I am unsure of what I have done, but
when I type in ':)', the wingding smilie does not automatically appear as it
did in Outlook 2003. When I type in ':(', the frownie does appear

Can anyone help me get my smilies back?

Previous Posts In This Thread:

Smilie does not convert as I type
I have just upgraded to Outlook 2007. I am unsure of what I have done, but
when I type in ':)', the wingding smilie does not automatically appear as it
did in Outlook 2003. When I type in ':(', the frownie does appear

Can anyone help me get my smilies back?

fuzziIn Outlook 2007 things like animated gif and other type of graphic file

In Outlook 2007 things like animated gif and other type of graphic file such as
smiley's as you found out are not available to be inserted . This capability has
been removed from OL 2007 for security reasons


Please Reply to Newsgroup for the benefit of others
Requests for assistance by email can not and will not be acknowledged.

check your auto correct settings - tools, options, spelling - it sounds like
check your auto correct settings - tools, options, spelling - it sounds like
the autocorrect for :) was removed.

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]

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The wingding is not animated, its just a round smiley face.
The wingding is not animated, its just a round smiley face. :)

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]

Outlook Tips by email:
mailto:[email protected]

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Bill said:
I found the correction, ...

In the future, post as a reply to your prior thread to keep it together
in that discussion. You started a NEW thread which means it is out of

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