SnapShot in a Form



Throuhg the codes below I used to see via a snapshot a report in a form.
OFFICE 2007 does not support snapshot any more. How can I get around it and
still be able to see the rpeort in the form

Sub OpenInvoiceViewer(stFile As String)
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmViewGMInvoice_020_Viewer", acNormal, , , ,
Forms("frmViewGMInvoice_020_Viewer").SnapshotViewer0.SnapshotPath = stFile
End Su

Tom van Stiphout

On Thu, 30 Oct 2008 05:03:01 -0700, Manuelauch

Not sure I follow this. You created a report, saved it as a snapshot
file, and then used the SnapshotViewer control to display the file.
Why not replace this by the one-liner:
DoCmd.OpenReport "YourOriginalReport"...

Microsoft Access MVP


Maybe the data has changed and the report will not show the same values as
the previous run?


Well, I ma just trying to make run a database created byr some one else.
Going through the codes I see that the form instead of calling a subform it
actually display an existing report. The form has a button to print the
report and this is the statement behind the button

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