Snapshot is not "Read Only"




to prevent people modifying my table contents, I link to the tables with a
query whose Recordset Type is set to 'Snapshot'.
The problem is that when the users build another query using this 'Snapshot'
query, the data are editable again.
Is there a way to avoid the data to be modified if a query RecordSource is a
Snapshot query ?
I wish to avoid the use of the WorkGroup Security.

Thx for any help.

John Spencer

One method to handle this would be to make every field in the query a
calculated value. Penalty for that would be you couldn't use indexes for
sorting and searching without including the fields a second time but not

Text fields are easy just add "" to the end of the field. Numbers are easy,
just mulitply by 1. Date fields could be tricker, although
DateAdd("d",0,[DateField]) should work.

Another method if you query contains the primary keys is to use GROUP BY on
the query and just group by every field - make sure you include the primary
key fields from all the tables unless you want to consolidate records.

I'm sure there are other methods, but none comes to mind immediately.

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007
Center for Health Program Development and Management
University of Maryland Baltimore County


Excellent idea ! it works the way I wanted.
Thx a lot for this method.

Of course I'm still open to any other suggestions.


well, that's a bit too heavy to implement for now.
But thank you for the suggestion.

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