Snapshot tool in Word


Gary T


Is there a tool in Word that allows a 'picture' of a selected part of a page
to be taken, which then allows it to be pasted into another document (e.g.
Excel or Powerpoint)?

Something similar to the 'snapshot' tool in Adobe?


Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Use the PrtScn button on your keyboard. Or for more capability, get Snagit

Hope this helps.

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Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Suzanne S. Barnhill

You can use the poor man's screen capture (PrintScreen or Alt+PrintScreen),
which copies the screen (or active window) to the Clipboard, whence you can
paste it into Windows Paint or another graphics editor. Or you can select
part of the page and Copy, then Paste Special as Picture. For anything more
sophisticated, you will need a dedicated screen capture application such as
SnagIt (, which I highly recommend.

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