Snapshot Viewer Control



I have a report that displays in a snapshot viewer control on a form. I make
changes to data on the form based upon the information on the report. After I
make these changes, I write a new snapshot and I need the snapshot viewer
control to refresh. Is there a way to do this? requery doesn't do it... The
only thing I have found to work is to close the form and then reopen it.

Stephen Lebans

Set the SnapshotPath property. Here is a previous post of mine on this

From: Stephen Lebans - view profile
Date: Thurs, Mar 7 2002 9:52 am
Email: "Stephen Lebans" <[email protected]>
Groups: microsoft.public.access.activexcontrol,
microsoft.public.access.gettingstarted, microsoft.public.access.reports
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Here's a SNIPof code from an older project of mine. It is referencing a
seperate Form and a ListBox control holding the SNAPSHOT filename so
adjust as requried.

' Set the path to load the exported Snapshot Report
'Follow this example exactly as per the MS KB
Forms!frmctl.ctlsnp.Object.SnapshotPath = "File://C:\windows\temp" & "\"
& List0 & ".snp"

' Do nothing until the Snapshot control
' has loaded the entire Snapshot Rrport
Do While Forms!frmctl.ctlsnp.Object.ReadyState <> 4


Stephen Lebans
Access Code, Tips and Tricks
Please respond only to the newsgroups so everyone can benefit.


Thanks! I couldn't find this info anywhere!

Stephen Lebans said:
Set the SnapshotPath property. Here is a previous post of mine on this

From: Stephen Lebans - view profile
Date: Thurs, Mar 7 2002 9:52 am
Email: "Stephen Lebans" <[email protected]>
Groups: microsoft.public.access.activexcontrol,
microsoft.public.access.gettingstarted, microsoft.public.access.reports
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Here's a SNIPof code from an older project of mine. It is referencing a
seperate Form and a ListBox control holding the SNAPSHOT filename so
adjust as requried.

' Set the path to load the exported Snapshot Report
'Follow this example exactly as per the MS KB
Forms!frmctl.ctlsnp.Object.SnapshotPath = "File://C:\windows\temp" & "\"
& List0 & ".snp"

' Do nothing until the Snapshot control
' has loaded the entire Snapshot Rrport
Do While Forms!frmctl.ctlsnp.Object.ReadyState <> 4


Stephen Lebans
Access Code, Tips and Tricks
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