Snow Leopard out Aug 28 09



Apple just announced Snow Leopard's release for this coming Friday.

Apple to release Snow Leopard on August 28

If you're going to upgrade immediately best to check all your main
software for compatibility.

I'm most curious with this release if it is going to do anything at
all for this vexxing problem with sync services on the Mac and
specifically as it causes all these problems for Entourage. Although I
read a lot about all this under the hood stuff including Exchange
support I haven't seen one comment on sync services yet I know at
least one 3rd party vendor is crossing his fingers and an Apple
product specialist was also hoping too. However, another 3rd party
vendor who uses sync services to his dismay said he was not optimistic
based on feedback at WWDC. So we'll have to see. If it doesn't, what

I find I'm still posting all the time to people who are running into
Entourage sync messes a workaround I've used almost since the product
came out a year and a half ago so they can get reliable syncs.
However, this workaround, as we all know, should be unnecessary, is
time consuming and of course prone to human error.

Well here's hoping but our answer is not far in the offing now.

Diane Ross

I find I'm still posting all the time to people who are running into
Entourage sync messes a workaround I've used almost since the product
came out a year and a half ago so they can get reliable syncs.
However, this workaround, as we all know, should be unnecessary, is
time consuming and of course prone to human error.

Well here's hoping but our answer is not far in the offing now.

Evidently it's working in the EWS final release. Does that mean we all need
a hosted Exchange account? :)

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