So many Flaws should = Free SMS!


Shawn Lewis

IS Departments all over the world are being reduced to waiting around for
next 10 patches to be released almost daily, and then trying to install
those updates via email, login scripts, or any other way to save time.

If Microsoft releases its products before rigorous testing, then SMS should
be offered for free!

MS needs to take responsibility for their "oversights" and either re-imburse
companies for manpower/resources, or help offset the burden with free SMS.

Please respond and state weather this is a reasonable/logical request,
Shawn Lewis
RPC Patch Installing Fool

Mark Fugatt [MVP]

No I dont think it is a valid request, no software vendor can check their
software for every possible flaw, the reason we see more of this with
Microsoft products is not because their software is not tested but because
it has the largest user base and therefore the bad guys spend more time and
effort trying to exploit Microsoft products.

Microsoft has SUS available for free to help you deploy software updates,
and SMS would require companies to deploy SQL and have the staff in place to
administer the SMS system, its not as simple as plugging SMS in and let it

Shawn Lewis

Whats so funny about it? You are a CEO?, perhaps you arent aware that your
IT soldiers' daily routine is now patching every port, pore, and Windows
sweat gland.

Steven Burn

I find it hillarious that you are requesting not just MS, but all software
developers to find and fix EVERY single bug. This is impossible even in
cases such as Microsoft whom have probably hundreds of developers working on
one project.

There is simply no way for any developer to guarantee or even develop, a bug
free program. Bug free programs simply do not exist, and never will do.

As for my "IT soldiers", the only person that works for me, is me (I have
beta testers but thats about it). Even then, I can honestly say for certain,
there are bug's in my software, and probably one's I do not know about.
However, these bugs, a in Microsoft's case, will be fixed when they are
found. We can't fix them if we don't know they are there.

To sum the above into lamans terms. No developer, not even MS, can account
for predict every single action, operating system, file version and user
(60% of program errors are caused by the user doing something incorrectly).

FYI, Ur I.T. Mate Group is not a company (I call myself a CEO because I own
the website(s)), it is simply a collection of website's that I've developed
and/or maintain for others ;o)


Steven Burn
Ur I.T. Mate Group CEO

Shawn Lewis

I understand all those points of course but since Microsoft is the industry
leader, because they are THE monopoly, anti-trust big dog, big three-type

they should offer something along the lines of SUS, just as the nice MVP,
Mark Fugatt, just informed me of.

Ask and you shall recieve. Thx Mr. Fugatt and sorry for cloggin up the
newsgroups everyone.

David J Tunstall

Personally, I think Microsoft saw a business opportunity with loopholes in
their software and in SMS are taking full advantage of this. Rather like the
virus writers.

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