software that allows assignment and tracking of team tasks


better manager

trying to find the right combination of software and features that allow for
tracking and followup of tasks assigned to teammembers on a daily/weekly basis

Andrew Watt [MVP - InfoPath]

On Tue, 2 Nov 2004 10:19:03 -0800, "better manager" <better
trying to find the right combination of software and features that allow for
tracking and followup of tasks assigned to teammembers on a daily/weekly basis


Can you share more about the nature of what you want to achieve?

Andrew Watt
MVP - InfoPath

better manager

Yes. I manage a team and also work in a highly matrixed environment. I
assign and take on tasks all the time that have multiple task deadlines that
span weeks. I'm looking for software that allows me to easily write, assign,
track, remind and close tasks for my team and others. Does that help?

Andrew Watt [MVP - InfoPath]

Thanks, yes, that makes the scope of what you need significantly

First, my opinion would be that OneNote isn't the tool you need for a
situation of the complexity that I think you are describing.

One possibility would be the Task component of Outlook. That could
certainly cover relatively simple scenarios such as you describe. You
can have due dates, completed/not and so on. You could use Categories
to assign a task to different individuals.

Whether Outlook would scale to what you need I can't answer with the
information you have given.

You would probably be better asking on microsoft.public.outlook and
give a bit more detail about the scale and complexity of what you want
to do.

Or Project might be worth looking at if Outlook doesn't handle the
complexity that you need. Suitability would depend on how project
orientated these tasks are.

Andrew Watt
MVP - InfoPath

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