SOLUTION - User Name & Password required


Mark Flynn

I originally posted to this newsgroup on 2/9/04; but the post disappeared.
Below is my "work around".
I'm running Win XP home edition and OL2k IMO via a DSL connection. I have
four accounts. Each account accesses the same ISP using the same POP and
SMTP server. Accept for the Account Name, each account is setup
identically - including the same password (Remember Password is checked).
When I click Send/Receive, two of the accounts bring up a dialog box
requiring the User Name & Password. The other two do not.
QUESTION: Why do you think two of the accounts require the User Name &
Password ?
ALSO - I set up these four accounts on a different PC (running Win 2k pro &
OL2k imo) and everything works perfectly.
Thanks, Mark Flynn
I replaced the DNS names (i.e.: & with the IP address of the POP and SMTP servers for
the offending accounts.
This solved the problem.
Best regards, Mark Flynn

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