Solver/Data Tables - help pls :)



Sorry to repost. But if someone can help, I would be much indebted...I have
an assignment for school due in 4 hours!!

Thank you!!


I have created a one-entry data table with 1000 trials. I want to use
Solver to minimize the average value in the data table by changing weights on
a corresponding portfolio. However, when I manually change the weights and
then ask Solver to re-solve, it gives me a different result. Any one have
any ideas? Does Solver not work well with data tables? Is there a way
around this?

Thank you!!



Not sure I can help, but I need more info to give it a shot.

The data table has 1000 rows. As I understand it in a data table you would
typically have one or more formulas that are calculated. This calculation is
done on each row for the corresponding value in your data table.

Do you have multiple formulas that you want to weight? Where are the
weights? Are you trying to weight something going down over the 1000 trials?

I'm sorry but I'm really having trouble picturing what you're trying to get

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