In trying to model an optimization problem, I have successfully
written a macro to iterate through all of the branches of the problem,
and copy specified values from the relevant sensitivity reports to a
new worksheet (called "Summary"). However, in adding some new
constraints to the model, it turns out that the model becomes
infeasible for some of the branches. Thus, rather than generating a
Sensitivity Report, solver generates a Feasibility Report.
My problem: in my VBA code, I reference the Sensitivity Report
worksheet by name rather than index number. This causes my macro to
bomb out if a particular branch of the problem is infeasible (because
there is no appropriate Sensitivity Report to reference). However, if
I were to call the sheet by index number, I'd end up (1) not knowing
that some of the solutions in "Summary" were infeasible, and that some
of the data on that sheet comes from feasibility reports rather than
sensitivity reports.
My question: is there a way to have my macro behave differently if
solver finds that a particular iteration of a problem is infeasible?
Relevant code snippet below:
SolverSolve (True)
efficiency = Cells(27, 11)
'Create Sensitivity report if branch is inefficient
If (Round(efficiency, 2) < 1) Then
SolverFinish ReportArray:=Array(2)
refset = 0
nrefset = 0
'Find branches that constitute reference set of
inefficient branch
While refset < branches
Sheets("Sensitivity Report 1").Select
If (Round(Cells(refset + 28, 5), 2) > 0) Then
Cells(k + 27, nrefset + 12) = (refset + 1)
nrefset = nrefset + 1
End If
refset = refset + 1
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
'Get rid of Sensitivity report, no questions asked...
Sheets("Sensitivity Report 1").Delete
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Sheets("Branch Analysis G-IN").Select
End If
My apologies if my code is obtuse or cluttered, this is my first foray
into VBA.
Thanks for your help!
written a macro to iterate through all of the branches of the problem,
and copy specified values from the relevant sensitivity reports to a
new worksheet (called "Summary"). However, in adding some new
constraints to the model, it turns out that the model becomes
infeasible for some of the branches. Thus, rather than generating a
Sensitivity Report, solver generates a Feasibility Report.
My problem: in my VBA code, I reference the Sensitivity Report
worksheet by name rather than index number. This causes my macro to
bomb out if a particular branch of the problem is infeasible (because
there is no appropriate Sensitivity Report to reference). However, if
I were to call the sheet by index number, I'd end up (1) not knowing
that some of the solutions in "Summary" were infeasible, and that some
of the data on that sheet comes from feasibility reports rather than
sensitivity reports.
My question: is there a way to have my macro behave differently if
solver finds that a particular iteration of a problem is infeasible?
Relevant code snippet below:
SolverSolve (True)
efficiency = Cells(27, 11)
'Create Sensitivity report if branch is inefficient
If (Round(efficiency, 2) < 1) Then
SolverFinish ReportArray:=Array(2)
refset = 0
nrefset = 0
'Find branches that constitute reference set of
inefficient branch
While refset < branches
Sheets("Sensitivity Report 1").Select
If (Round(Cells(refset + 28, 5), 2) > 0) Then
Cells(k + 27, nrefset + 12) = (refset + 1)
nrefset = nrefset + 1
End If
refset = refset + 1
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
'Get rid of Sensitivity report, no questions asked...
Sheets("Sensitivity Report 1").Delete
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Sheets("Branch Analysis G-IN").Select
End If
My apologies if my code is obtuse or cluttered, this is my first foray
into VBA.
Thanks for your help!