Hi, I'm new to the forum but have been using Excel for years...
Something I only so every do often is use the Solver tool. Up unti
now, it's worked for what I need it to do but now the problem is a bi
more complicated and Solver doesn't like my inputs!
I'm sure it's something simple, but was hoping for some tips to guid
me along!
I'm working on setting the optimum widths for manufactured fabric..
TRIM is the potential lineal edge scrap we have to take to use 99" wid
fabric to make 96" wide material. Our main constraint here is that w
have to have at least 3" of edge trim.
I would like to calculate, based on our history, the best set of width
to use to handle our orders.
The only problem is that, it is very easy for me to find a bette
solution than solver... just change the 142 output value to 141. O
change all the values and watch solver choke. Maybe it's because I hav
so many vertical lookups. Not sure.
Any help is greatly appreciated! I have read the help file twice
searched around the web for a few hours yesterday... and ultimatel
ended up here! I hope I came to the right place
Something I only so every do often is use the Solver tool. Up unti
now, it's worked for what I need it to do but now the problem is a bi
more complicated and Solver doesn't like my inputs!
I'm sure it's something simple, but was hoping for some tips to guid
me along!
I'm working on setting the optimum widths for manufactured fabric..
TRIM is the potential lineal edge scrap we have to take to use 99" wid
fabric to make 96" wide material. Our main constraint here is that w
have to have at least 3" of edge trim.
I would like to calculate, based on our history, the best set of width
to use to handle our orders.
The only problem is that, it is very easy for me to find a bette
solution than solver... just change the 142 output value to 141. O
change all the values and watch solver choke. Maybe it's because I hav
so many vertical lookups. Not sure.
Any help is greatly appreciated! I have read the help file twice
searched around the web for a few hours yesterday... and ultimatel
ended up here! I hope I came to the right place