Sometimes, within the same document, some of my comments will show up and
others just won't. I have Display Comments selected. Sometimes it's towards
the end of a page, and I can get it to show up by moving the text to the next
page, but sometimes it's just in the middle of a page and for no apparent
reason no matter how many times I try to insert a comment they won't show up.
I'll get little pink marks in the text showing that a comment was inserted,
but it won't display in the margin. Meanwhile, on the next page or sometimes
even on the same page other comments will display.
others just won't. I have Display Comments selected. Sometimes it's towards
the end of a page, and I can get it to show up by moving the text to the next
page, but sometimes it's just in the middle of a page and for no apparent
reason no matter how many times I try to insert a comment they won't show up.
I'll get little pink marks in the text showing that a comment was inserted,
but it won't display in the margin. Meanwhile, on the next page or sometimes
even on the same page other comments will display.