Some emails do not auto forward, why not? 99% of them work fine.



I have a rule running that auto forwards every thing sent to me on to my boss
so she gets a copy as well. 99% of emails I receive it works perfectly.

However, some emails just simple will not auto forward, i have tried several
ways to get this to work. I have tripled checked through the emails that it
fails on and cannot see why it does not auto forward. As an experiment, to
see if the rule would perform a different task, I changed it to say "mark
importance as High" just to see if it would affect the emails it was failing
to send, and yes it worked. All the emails were marked as High importance.

There seems to be nothing special, or different about the emails it is
failing to auto forward.

Please help - my boss freaks out each time an email fails to auto forward :(

Best wishes,


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