Greg Maxey
I am working on a macro that will change the formatting of revision in a track change document. Say the deletions are Red and strikethrough and insertions are Blue and italic.
I want to change the formatting of deletions to bold with no strikethrough and insertions as Red with stikethrough (odd choice I know). I have the following code that "does" bold the deletions and "does" strikethrough the insertions, but the other coded changes (removing strikethrough and changing color) are not working.
Can anyone offer an explanation why? Thanks.
Sub Change()
Dim oTrk As Revision
ActiveDocument.TrackRevisions = False
For Each oTrk In ActiveDocument.Range.Revisions
Select Case oTrk.Type
Case wdRevisionDelete
With oTrk.Range.Font
.Bold = True
.StrikeThrough = False
End With
Case wdRevisionInsert
With oTrk.Range.Font
.StrikeThrough = True
.Color = wdRed
End With
Case Else
'Do Nothing
End Select
End Sub
I want to change the formatting of deletions to bold with no strikethrough and insertions as Red with stikethrough (odd choice I know). I have the following code that "does" bold the deletions and "does" strikethrough the insertions, but the other coded changes (removing strikethrough and changing color) are not working.
Can anyone offer an explanation why? Thanks.
Sub Change()
Dim oTrk As Revision
ActiveDocument.TrackRevisions = False
For Each oTrk In ActiveDocument.Range.Revisions
Select Case oTrk.Type
Case wdRevisionDelete
With oTrk.Range.Font
.Bold = True
.StrikeThrough = False
End With
Case wdRevisionInsert
With oTrk.Range.Font
.StrikeThrough = True
.Color = wdRed
End With
Case Else
'Do Nothing
End Select
End Sub