Some fun with SmartTags




Run into following trouble with smart tags..

The steps:

1. For a shape, create an action, RUNADDONWITHARGS('something
2. Create a smart tag that is bound to that action.
3. Save the diagram.
4. Click smart tag (perform the action).
5. Try to close window - the document is UNSAVED and asks to save
changes! Though the action did not change anything!
6. Save the document.
7. Click smart tag again (perform the action)
8. Try to close window - it is closed just fine now!

While investigating the trouble, I have saved the document after points
(3), and (6), as XML drawing, and looked at the difference between
these versions to capture changes occuring after I have clicked the
smart tag.
The only difference is:
Action element in XML has got attribute 'Unit=BOOL' at point (6).
But there is no such column 'Unit' in shape sheet for 'Action'..?

As for now, I have found following workaround for this issue:

if the action in ShapeSheet is written as following:
0+RUNADDONWITHARGS('something harmless')

instead of:
RUNADDONWITHARGS('something harmless')

Then all behaves just fine..

Can anyone comment what is that misterious 'Unit' attribute appearing
after clicking smart tag?

Regards, Nikolay.

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