was wondering if you could help me with a VBA problem?
I have a range of cells with a date format. I want to check each cell and
check its date against today's date.
So. I have the first cell selected. I then run a do loop until I reach a
"nil" cell.
On each cell select, I want it to check (a) the cell value (b) is it grater
than Now()
If it is > = to Now() then I want the cell to change VBred.
I have a range of cells with a date format. I want to check each cell and
check its date against today's date.
So. I have the first cell selected. I then run a do loop until I reach a
"nil" cell.
On each cell select, I want it to check (a) the cell value (b) is it grater
than Now()
If it is > = to Now() then I want the cell to change VBred.