I have an MSWord document on a network drive. Images (JPGs) used in the doc
are also on a network drive in another folder. This is a huge document,
where many people using different versions of WORD maintain it. I had made
some mods (using MSWord97 SP2) and i noticed that the images in the first 20
pages or so are present, but after that page, there is just a square box
space holder instead of the image. There is NOT a red "X" or something
similar. Just a small inch size blank box.
I have read a few KB articles including
http://support.microsoft.com/kb/285987/en-us and have tried the suggestions.
I does not appear to be a VIEW-related issue. It doesnt appear to be "Options
| Tools | View tab | picture placeholders" issue either. Some of the images
are viewable and printable, but the lion's share are not. Another user
mentioned that they saw a "low memory" msg when they went to review my
observations about the images. I have copied the doc and the images folder
to my local drive hoping it was somehow memory related. But its the same
thing. I am afraid that some of the images inserted into the doc are linked,
while others are not. One of the editors made a comment that they were not
linking the images when inserted and another editor said they were. These
people are out today so i cannot determine their version of MSWord. I am
afraid i will have to re-insert the "broken-linked" images. Any ideas?
are also on a network drive in another folder. This is a huge document,
where many people using different versions of WORD maintain it. I had made
some mods (using MSWord97 SP2) and i noticed that the images in the first 20
pages or so are present, but after that page, there is just a square box
space holder instead of the image. There is NOT a red "X" or something
similar. Just a small inch size blank box.
I have read a few KB articles including
http://support.microsoft.com/kb/285987/en-us and have tried the suggestions.
I does not appear to be a VIEW-related issue. It doesnt appear to be "Options
| Tools | View tab | picture placeholders" issue either. Some of the images
are viewable and printable, but the lion's share are not. Another user
mentioned that they saw a "low memory" msg when they went to review my
observations about the images. I have copied the doc and the images folder
to my local drive hoping it was somehow memory related. But its the same
thing. I am afraid that some of the images inserted into the doc are linked,
while others are not. One of the editors made a comment that they were not
linking the images when inserted and another editor said they were. These
people are out today so i cannot determine their version of MSWord. I am
afraid i will have to re-insert the "broken-linked" images. Any ideas?