Some messages couldn't be retrieved from the server



OL2K in COW.
I started receiving the error a few days ago. I do have "leave on server"
checked, and every few days have been making sure both machines have the
mail downloaded and then go in through HTML and delete old from Comcast.
Same problem on both machines. Removed only common item between both
machines, the anti-virus which automatically updates, on one of them which
didn't help. Chose the fix from Outlook help menu also.

Talked to Comcast at length and they believe it is a MS problem. (I'd bet
not unless they did an update from MS).

Anyone know what is going on?

BTW, OE 5 downloads the mail.



Logon to your mail server from From here you can
read your POP mail, leave it on the server or choose to delete it.

Delete whatever might be the offending message(s).

Retry OL.



Are you saying that one of the messages on the ISP server is causing the

I want the mail downloaded to my machine so I can archive it.


That was it!
Oddly all my searching didn't lead me in that direction, but my last attempt
with Comcast yielded the suggestion that there may be a message with a
corrupt header, so they said. I temporarily deleted ~68 messages prior to
the last downloaded and Outlook went to work as it should.
Hard part was getting them to believe the issue was on there end.

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