user data that is stored as user properties in an item is stored IN this item independ if the same user property is defined in the
I need the additional definition of properties in the folder with the same names if I want to use filters and to display these data
in a view? Correct??
The user properties stay with the item even when I move it to a different folder. Correct?
If I send an item with user properties to someone who has not the same form installed he will not see the user defined field, but
the data is still in the item? Correct?
Is it enough to install and register the form region on an other computer to access this user data?
user data that is stored as user properties in an item is stored IN this item independ if the same user property is defined in the
I need the additional definition of properties in the folder with the same names if I want to use filters and to display these data
in a view? Correct??
The user properties stay with the item even when I move it to a different folder. Correct?
If I send an item with user properties to someone who has not the same form installed he will not see the user defined field, but
the data is still in the item? Correct?
Is it enough to install and register the form region on an other computer to access this user data?