Some questions on Custom Task Panes Outlook2007




I inlcuded now a CTP in my Addin. Works fine so far.

How can I react on size changes of the User of the CTP? Especially I want to prevent the user to enlarge the CTP bigger than the
embedded user control.

Can I remove the heading of the CTP with the small dropdown menu and the closing icon?

When extending the CTP over the size of its embedded User Control the background is not proberly refeshed and I get a lot of blue
horizontal lines instead of just the CTP background color.


Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

If you look at the object model for Office.CustomTaskPane the only 2 events
provided are DockPositionStateChange() and VisibleStateChange().

Although you can set/get the height and width of a CTP there is no resizing
event that you can use for what you want. You'd most likely have to get the
window for the CTP and then use Windows API subclassing to get an event when
the window is resized.


Thanks, so you confirm what I was already fearing but still was hoping that someone at MS would have been a bit smarter.


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