Some Server related issues


Manmeet Chaudhari

I have following issues any comments and suggestions are welcomed
1. How to Reduce volume of automatically generated email and reminders by
Project. E.g. All the emails for task acceptance and Rejection from all the
resources in one day should be clubbed as one logical mail and then sent to
the respective Project Manager- I know i can set the frequency and reminder
iin project server any other solution to achieve the above.
2.Once an activity is completed the subsequent activity owner should get a
notification- is this possible
3.EPM should force project managers to use specific templates. If they use
any other way for creating schedule then MS Project should not allow that

Manmeet Chaudhari

Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]


1) Alerts are immediate and event driven. You'd need to trap the messages at
the mail server, or deactivate this feature and create your own.
2) This is possible through customization, see the SDK on MSDN
3) For this people generally use a Macro or database trigger.

Manmeet Chaudhari

Hi Gary,
Thanks for your reply.
Can you please give more details on point 2.

I recently bought your book, its absolutely limpid.
Great book by great people.
However it doesnt mention much on portfolio modeler, how and where do i
explore more on the same.

Manmeet Chaudhari

Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]


I recall seeing an article on customizing the alerts in the SDK. I'm not
certain about the depth; it has been a while. As for the Modeler, we didn't
give it much play because we generally feel it's rather useless.

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