SOME Visio images won't print in Word


Ann Scharpf

We have two users on a network who are having the same problem. They are
running Visio 2000 SR1 and Word 2003 SP2. Recently these two users received
new computers but, to my knowledge, the software versions did not change for
either application.

What is happening is that when they edit a Visio image and paste it into
Word, the image will not print. Everything else prints fine in the document,
just not the image. We have tried pasting as a link, pasting as an object,
insert picture from file, saving the image as a .vsd file and saving it as a
..jpg file. We have tried printing on different printers. We have tried
printing the file from different computers. Nothing helps. Once these users
edit the Visio image, it shows up on the computer screen (also for print
preview) but will not come out on paper.

This problem did not occur until they received their new computers. The
problem does NOT occur when they print files for which they did not edit the
Viso image.

We have inserted "regular" .jpg files into Word documents and those images
print fine. So Word is handling graphics ok.

I am not a Visio user and am completely stumped. I don't know what else to
have these users try. Does anyone here have any ideas?

Thanks very much for any help you can give us.

Al Edlund

This usually ends up as being printer driver issues. Since these are 'new
systems' I'd go check to see if they really do have v2000 on them and then
make sure that all available fixes are installed.

Ann Scharpf

If the problem was a printer driver issue, wouldn't the user have a problem
printing the EXISTING documents also? This problem only occurs when they
edit the Visio image.

I have asked that the software be reinstalled with the FULL set of options
instead of just the standard install.

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