Some zip codes with 9 digits show up as a 0.



When doing a mail merge for a directory, the physical address zip code with 9
digits show up as a 0. The 5 digit ones are ok.

-- Cndsue


Hi Cindy,

The following field code correctly formats 5-digit and 5+4-digit Zip Code data, even where the source data may have incorrect
formatting such as a hyphen followed by trailing 0s after plain 5-digit Zip Codes (eg because a db only accepts Zip Codes in the
5+4-digit format) or is formatted as a 5-digit or 9-digit string without hyphens. A data field named ‘ZipCode’ is assumed.
{IF{Zip}> 99999 {SET Zip {Zip \# "00000'-'0000"}}}
"{=-{=-{Zip}-Zip}/2 \# 00000;;}{=-({Zip}*(-1)-Zip)/2 \# ;-0000;}"}

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