Thanks Dave and Charles,
Indeed, the prompt should only appear if and only if changes have been
made, which is NOT my case. I stress once again that this is a clean new
installation: formatted HD, fresh install of just Windows XP, Office 2003
and Norton Internet Security 2004.
And I am positive about the add-ins (I made sure that startup folders are
empty and that COM add-ins are not used (following the procedure indicated
by Charles). The only one there is East European Fonts Tool, unchecked.
The Registry key HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\Word\Addins
lists two: Web Page Wizard and Microsoft Word East European Fonts Tool,
but that is the same on my other two PCs where I don't get the offending
message. I tried removing East European Fonts Tool from the COM add-in
list and deleting these registry entries, just in case, but the problem
I tried deleting the and then running Word with the /a switch.
provides for a quiet Word shutdown after the first run, however the message
reappears on subsequent runs.
message | Sorry Dave,
| With greatest respect for your knowledge, that is _not_ how it is designed
| to work. Checking that option (which IMO should always be checked) gives
| a prompt to save changes if _and only if_ changes have been made. If no
| changes have been made, you are not prompted. I have this option checked
| these days the only time I am prompted is when I have made changes,
| intentionally or unintentionally. But then, I dump Add-Ins that make
| to, even if innocuous.
| Jerry,
| How do you know there are no Add-Ins running? Unless you are using Word
| they need not all be listed in the Templates and Add-Ins dialog. Go to
| for
| instructions on seeing what Add-Ins you have.
| You may get advice to change your settings so you no longer see this
| message. That can be done but this is like advice to take the batteries
| of your three smoke detectors because they keep buzzing and you don't know
| why. It is essential that you have a good virus detection/elimination
| program on your computer if you are connected to the Internet. (but see
| third paragraph about Norton AV)
| The message "Changes have been made that affect the global template -
| normal. Do you wish to save those changes?" is an important warning. It
| suppplements your virus detector and handles other potential problems. Its
| display means that changes have been made, whether you intended to make
| changes or not. You can also get it when your template has been altered by
| poorly written Add-In program or by a virus.
| Hope this helps,
| --
| Charles Kenyon
| Word New User FAQ & Web Directory:
| Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
| Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide)
| See also the MVP FAQ: which is awesome!
| --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
| This message is posted to a newsgroup. Please post replies
| and questions to the newsgroup so that others can learn
| from my ignorance and your wisdom.
| | > Hi Jerry,
| >
| > Sorry to say, but that's the way is was designed to work. The help topic
| on
| > the issue reads
| >
| > "Displays a message each time you quit Word that asks if you want to
| > any changes made to the default template. If you clear this option, Word
| > automatically saves changes without prompting you."
| >
| > HTH,
| > Dave
| >
| > | > > Hi Dave,
| > >
| > > Thanks very much for your help. Actually the answer is no to all. Say
| > > delete the C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Application
| > > Data\Microsoft\Templates\ to start afresh. The very first
| I
| > > run Word after that, the only option I touch is precisely the one
| choosing
| > > "Prompt to save". Then I exit. Subsequently I start Word
| again
| > > and exit without doing anything whatsoever. The darn dialog pops up!
| > >
| > >
| > > | > > | Hi Jerry,
| > > |
| > > | Most likely the cause of the message is, well, you. While you were
| > working
| > > | on your document, did you create a new AutoText or AutoCorrect
| > Did
| > > | you add a routine to or anything like that? Did you
| or
| > > add
| > > | a style? If you answer yes to any of these (and a whole range of
| > others),
| > > | then you have modified and will raise the message box.
| > > |
| > > | HTH,
| > > | Dave
| > > | | > > | > I'm running Office 2003 on XP Pro. I set Word to prompt for saving
| > > changes
| > > | > to
| > > | > Each time I exit Word, the message pops up: Changes have been made
| > that
| > > | > affect the global template, Do you want to save those
| > > changes?
| > > | > Now, I'm reasonably certain there's no virus on my machine - I
| > did
| > > a
| > > | > clean install of just Windows XP, Office 2003 and Norton Internet
| > > Security
| > > | > 2004 on a freshly formatted hard disk.
| > > | > Also there are no add-ins running.
| > > | >
| > > | > Anyone knows what might be causing this behavior?
| > > | >
| > > | >
| > > |
| > > |
| > >
| > >
| >
| >