Something wrong with my Module code




I have a module that converts the time which comes out of another ODBC
database application.
Please can you see the below code, is there something wrong that you can
immediately see?
Function ConvertTime(InputValue As Variant) As Variant
Dim lngHour As Long
Dim lngMinute As Long
Dim lngSecond As Long

If IsNull(InputValue) = False Then
lngSecond = InputValue \ 256
lngMinute = (InputValue Mod 256) \ 65536
lngSecond = InputValue - (lngSecond * 256) - (lngMinute * 65536)
ConvertTime = TimeSerial(lngHour, lngMinute, lngSecond)
ConvertTime = Null
End If

End Function

Andi Mayer

On Fri, 17 Dec 2004 03:09:01 -0800, "Adam"

show us a few values

If you expect an answer to a personal mail, add the word "manfred" to the first 10 lines in the message


Hi Andy,

All the times are actually coming out as 12:00:00 AM which makes me believe
the module I made is causing an error.

The time 09:20:20 AM (hh:mm:ss) shows in the database as 152310784. If you
see the module below it shows how its calculated, it just isn't working :|


Hi Van,

I've corrected that part but when I run it I get the debug error on:

ConvertTime = TimeSerial(lngHour, lngMinute, lngSecond)

Any ideas?


Andi Mayer

Hi Andy,

All the times are actually coming out as 12:00:00 AM which makes me believe
the module I made is causing an error.

The time 09:20:20 AM (hh:mm:ss) shows in the database as 152310784. If you
see the module below it shows how its calculated, it just isn't working :|
What timeformat is that?????? a Day has 86400 seconds

From which System to you get this Number (OS and Program)

If you expect an answer to a personal mail, add the word "manfred" to the first 10 lines in the message

Van T. Dinh

Have you checked to make sure your algorithm works out that:

0 <= lngHour < 24

and for simplicity (not actually required by TimeSerial):

0 <= lngMinute < 60
0 <= lngSecond < 60

I am not sure of the interpretation of the data from your ODBC source so
check and make sure you interpret it correctly and then code accordingly.

Van T. Dinh
MVP (Access)

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