Sometimes Outlook does not unload when using Word as e-mail editor



Hello Outlook programming experts! At the moment I'm working at a
plug-in for Outlook and facing the following problem: actually when
I use Word as a e-mail message editor, Outlook cannot be unloaded. This
actually occurs if:

1. 2 or more Word windows are opened and the FIRST opened window was
not closed by the LAST one.

2. Each of the succeeding windows must be opened with Ctrl+N when the
previous window is foregrounded. (when I open the Word Windows via
Outlook main menu: "File->New->Mail message", everything works fine)

3. The project is made in ATL, without using MFC. But if I insert the
machinery of working with inspectors into another MFC-project, the
problem disappears. So, this problem occurs only in the ATL-projects

which are created without MFC support.

During the debugging I defined the macro _ATL_DEBUG_INTERFACES - the
unreleased interfaces wasn't been detected.

Any ideas?

The source code of the minimal project (VC7.1) with such problems is
available here:

To compile the project the following files are needed
- they are imported into the project (through #import directive)
in ".\Test\Source\IDTExtensibilty2Impl.h" file.
Assumed, they are located in ".\mso_libs" folder.

Best regards, Pavel.

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