Songs from CD keep looping


Jennifer L.

We have a presentation with pictures that we are using five songs in the
presentation. After the first two songs (which are varying lengths) the
third song plays. When the fourth song is suppose to play it plays the third
song again.

NO - the looping song feature is not turned on. We have deleted all the
songs and reinserted. We have deleted all the songs after the problem spot
and reinserted. Nothing seems to work.

It did work this morning and after moving some of the songs around it
started having this problem. It is like something is embedded that we can
not see.


Thank you
The "HFH Rotary Presentation Crew"


Just a stray thought, double check your WMP and make sure it isn't set to loop:

Open WMP, Click on Play and make sure there isn't a check mark beside
Repeat. If there is, click on Repeat to uncheck it.

Don't know if it will make a difference, but it won't hurt anything.

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