Sorry for posting this again but I really need advice



I have created an excel workbook that basically consists of one sheet for
recipe formulation and one sheet that is a database of raw
materials and their specifications. When I formulate a recipe on sheet 1, I
use numerous lookups to sheet 2 to formulate the right blend. I now have
decided that my database would be better maintained if it was on access so I
really need some definitive answers on the following questions:

1. If I have my raw materials database on access can my excel spreadsheet
still use lookups
based on the data cells in access?

2. If yes to above - will I have to re-write all my excel formulas or is
there a way around this?

3. What is the correct procedure for conversion. i.e. do I start with my
excel sheet and go >data>convert to ms access... or should I start in access
and go >file>get external data?

4. When I formulate a recipe in excel I also want certain information
(recipe No. , date, weight,etc) sent to an access database when I print or
hit an enter button. How do I do this?

Sorry to ask so many questions all at once but access is completely foreign
to me and I really don't want to waste time starting off on the wrong track.

Many thanks in advance to anyone offering advice.



Replies in line:
1. If I have my raw materials database on access can my excel spreadsheet
still use lookups
based on the data cells in access?

The database equivalent of a worksheet is a table. Tables consist of
rows of columns rather than cells. You can look up data in a database
table from within Excel so the answer is 'yes' but probably not in the
way you mean...
2. If yes to above - will I have to re-write all my excel formulas or is
there a way around this?

If the answer to the above is 'yes' then the answer to this one is
also yes. There are several ways to get data from a database into
Excel. I'm on record as favoring Excel getting the data by executing a
SQL SELECT query using ADO. It's not the easiest way but it gives me
greater control over the data.
3. What is the correct procedure for conversion. i.e. do I start with my
excel sheet and go >data>convert to ms access... or should I start in access
and go >file>get external data?

Probably better to do an import from within MS Access.
4. When I formulate a recipe in excel I also want certain information
(recipe No. , date, weight,etc) sent to an access database when I print or
hit an enter button. How do I do this?

I favor Excel executing an INSERT INTO..SELECT query using ADO.


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