Sorry to create a new post, but I have tried the other posts' suggestions... can't install new Offic



Hello there,

I'm hoping someone can please help me to help a friend who is in need.
I am in Germany to attend his wife's unexpected funeral and help him
out with his 4 young children and his small business. Well, one of the
things I did was convince him to switch from an old PC to a new iMac.
And then I got him to buy a full version of Office 2004 rather than use
Apple's Windows emulator and run his old PC version of Office. So the
new Mac Office 2004 arrives, and one of his 'know it all' friends puts
the disc in the iMac and starts the installation - without first
removing the trial version.

I've removed the Office 2004 files, both trial and full versions,
cleaned up the hard drive as much as I can of any MS files, and then
started the install over. Then I came to here and I see that this is a
somewhat common problem (why didn't Microsoft just build an
auto-removal function into the full version disc?!?!). There was no
'read me' file on this disc, and the only place it states to remove the
trial version is in a normal block of text on page 4 of the
generalistic-reading brochure in the disc case.

To describe my problem, the Setup Assistant goes through the steps as
it should, and installs the full Office onto the iMac. When I launch
any of the Office apps., a window pops up saying (in German so I can't
write it verbatim) that this Office isn't a full version, but an update
version for Office 2001, and it asks if I want to locate the 2001
version to link this update. I have a choice to Quit or Proceed to
locate the 2001 version.

Problem is that there never has been a 2001 version on this iMac. I
assumed the problem is from not having properly removed the trial
version. I've spent three hours reading every related thread that I
could find on this newsgroup, and I spent the whole day trying all the
suggestions including - Microsoft de-installer, manually removing all
files, removing prefs, repairing permissions, restarting and
re-repairing permissions, re-installing system software and bundled
software from the original discs and then installing full version
again, updating OSX software, updating Office software (this was funny
because I was able to update the installed full versions but they
wouldn't launch as I described above), again re-installling original
OSX software then downloading a new trial version from and
installing it followed by properly removing it followed by installing
the full version... still the same window pops up when I try to launch
an Office application???

I'm very sorry for perpetuating this topic, but I am in a bind because
I will be leaving Germany soon, but I can't leave my friend without his
computer working properly to run his business. And sincerely being
honest, I suggested to him to go back to using his old PC in order to
get his taxes filed in time, but when we plugged it in and turned it on
the CPU started to smoke!! It sounds crazy but the old computer called
it quits.
I hope someone will be able to help please.



I have exactly the same problem and have tried what you have tried.
Sorry i don't have a solution, but wanted to let you know that others
share your pain. I spoke to MS support and guess what they said i
should try...that i should wash my disc with soap/water. I'm serious.
Anyway, if I come across any solutions, I'll return and post.


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