Sort a coloum on one worksheet according to another coloumn on ano


Sunir M S

Hi guys.

i am a newbie. i went through all the posts but couldnt inderstand.

I want to sort coloumn A on worksheet 1 according to coloumn A on worksheet2.


Coloumn A ( Worksheet1) B | Column A (Worksheet 2
harry H | david
david D | craig
craig C | harry
smith S | smith

The contents of coloumn A will not be the same order every day. Could
someone help me sort col A of worksheet 1 after matching it with the strings
in colomn A worksheet2.

The only criteria to sort would be mathcing the strings. i.e names

the out put should look like:

( Worksheet1) (Worksheet 2
Coloumn A | Coloumn B || Column A
david D david
craig C craig
harry H harry
smith S smith

Thanks in advance

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