Sort a Subtotalled List?



Does anyone know if you can sort a list after it has been subtotalled?
The reason I ask is because I am basically sorting a list based on a criteria
and then deleted all transactions that offset to each other to equal zero. So
if I could sort the list after it was subtotalled all the subtotalled amounts
that equaled zero would be in order and I could delete them all at once,
instead of scanning through the list. Any help would save me a huge amount of



Would it be better to remove the subtotals (Data/Subtotals/Remove All) then
sort/delete data, then re-apply the subototals?


That would not work. The reason why is because I am trying to match numbers
that will equal zero, then delete them once I have matched them. So what I
have been doing is sorting them, subtotalling them, and deleting all of them
that equal zero. But I would like to somehow get all of the transactions that
offset to zero together so I could delete them all at once.


That would not work. The reason why is because I am trying to match numbers
that will equal zero, then delete them once I have matched them. So what I
have been doing is sorting them, subtotalling them, and deleting all of them
that equal zero. But I would like to somehow get all of the transactions that
offset to zero together so I could delete them all at once.



That would not work. The reason why is because I am trying to match numbers
that will equal zero, then delete them once I have matched them. So what I
have been doing is sorting them, subtotalling them, and deleting all of them
that equal zero. But I would like to somehow get all of the transactions that
offset to zero together so I could delete them all at once.


I think I see what you're getting at. Try collapsing the subtotals so you
only see the subtotals, not the details, then try sorting (based on whatever
column has the subtotal amount). Tested it on my machine and it looks like
it will sort the table using the subtotal amount as the key.

Be sure to back up your data and, after sorting, match the details of one or
two of your subtotals to make sure it moved the details (comprising the
subtotal) when you sorted the data. Again, on the test I ran, it looks like
it will work.


I tried that previously and it didn't appear to work. Are you running Office
XP? I only have Office 2000. What steps did you actually do?



I have Office 2000.

I set up a table with Names and Amounts. Then I clicked Data/Subtotals
(every change in Name, Sum Amounts). Then I collapsed the data so I could
only see the subtotals

Name Amount
1 x total 15
2 y total 0
3 z total 30
4 Grand Total 45

Then, I selected A1:B3 (excluded the Grand Total line), clicked Data/Sort,
primary key = Amount, ascending order, resulting in

Name Amount
1 y total 0
2 x total 15
3 z total 30
4 Grand Total 45

I then expanded the next level. Details were all intact.


JMB Thanks a ton. I was able to get it to work. The mistake I was making was
just highlighting the whole sheet once it was subtotalled and you can't sort
that way. You have to just highlight the subtotalled group itself and then
sort. You just saved me a ton of time. I wish I had known this feature


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