Sort by last update only - get rid of old ones


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I have a very large worksheet that has multiple SKU's sorted by SKU then
Edition. I would like to get rid of the old Editions and just keep the
current one. On the exampe below, SKU 10E01254 has 3 editions I want to get
rid of 1 and 2 and keep the 3rd. all sku have multiple editions from 2 to 19
editions but I just one to keep on one spreadsheet the latest one on all SKU's
SKU Edition Price
10E01254 01 $850.00
10E01254 02 $850.00
10E01254 03 $840.00 Keep this

12L13567 01 $725.00
12L13567 02 $725.00
12L13567 03 $725.00
12L13567 04 $760.00
12L13567 05 $950.00 Keep this

12B01781 01 $160.00
12B01781 02 $180.00 Keep this

Duke Carey

If you have MS Access, then import your data from Excel into Access. I put
your example data into an Access table named dbase.

Then create a blank query and go into SQL view. paste this query text and
run it

SELECT t1.sku, t1.edition, t1.price
FROM dbase t1 inner join
select sku, max(edition) as edition2 from dbase group by sku
) t2
on t1.sku = t2.sku and t1.edition = t2.edition2

export the results back to Excel

Dave Peterson

You could sort your data with a primary key of SKU number (ascending order) and
a secondary key of edition (but descending order)

So your data would look like:
10E01254 3 $840.00
10E01254 2 $850.00
10E01254 1 $850.00
12B01781 2 $180.00
12B01781 1 $160.00
12L13567 5 $950.00
12L13567 4 $760.00
12L13567 3 $725.00
12L13567 2 $725.00
12L13567 1 $725.00

Then in D1, put Keep (it's the first record that we want to keep)
In D2, put:
and drag down as far as you need.

Your test data looked like:
10E01254 3 $840.00 Keep
10E01254 2 $850.00
10E01254 1 $850.00
12B01781 2 $180.00 keep
12B01781 1 $160.00
12L13567 5 $950.00 keep
12L13567 4 $760.00
12L13567 3 $725.00
12L13567 2 $725.00
12L13567 1 $725.00

Then you can filter on column D to show the blanks and delete those visible

And then delete column D.

Compare Values

Thank you so much it helped

Dave Peterson said:
You could sort your data with a primary key of SKU number (ascending order) and
a secondary key of edition (but descending order)

So your data would look like:
10E01254 3 $840.00
10E01254 2 $850.00
10E01254 1 $850.00
12B01781 2 $180.00
12B01781 1 $160.00
12L13567 5 $950.00
12L13567 4 $760.00
12L13567 3 $725.00
12L13567 2 $725.00
12L13567 1 $725.00

Then in D1, put Keep (it's the first record that we want to keep)
In D2, put:
and drag down as far as you need.

Your test data looked like:
10E01254 3 $840.00 Keep
10E01254 2 $850.00
10E01254 1 $850.00
12B01781 2 $180.00 keep
12B01781 1 $160.00
12L13567 5 $950.00 keep
12L13567 4 $760.00
12L13567 3 $725.00
12L13567 2 $725.00
12L13567 1 $725.00

Then you can filter on column D to show the blanks and delete those visible

And then delete column D.

Compare Values

Thank you so much. It helped

Duke Carey said:
If you have MS Access, then import your data from Excel into Access. I put
your example data into an Access table named dbase.

Then create a blank query and go into SQL view. paste this query text and
run it

SELECT t1.sku, t1.edition, t1.price
FROM dbase t1 inner join
select sku, max(edition) as edition2 from dbase group by sku
) t2
on t1.sku = t2.sku and t1.edition = t2.edition2

export the results back to Excel

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